Hi everybody,
I'm back again and I have some good news for all of you! I don't know about you, but I've always had some difficulty with the world of technology, it seemed to me that we were two entities totally incompatible and miles away from each other...until this new blog adventure began! As time goes by I'm getting more and more used with the web tools(gr8!), I'm even enjoying running my own blog (despite the little time I can devote to it!) and it is always nice to discover how some tools can make your life easier!
Feeds ,for instance, are an excellent device for being always updated on the topics we like most (worldnews, culture, our favourite blogs) without being forced to continually check them on the main webpage, since they are a real-time source of information, like a 24-hours peephole on the world. Well, what about feeds? They are simple to use and give lots of advantages! I think they will be very useful in my blog experience,since they allow me to have the control over loads of things in just a few seconds without wasting too much time looking up for urls and opening links. As you can see, I've already added the link to bloglines in the right side of my webpage..let's click on it, you'll see it's easier done than said!
That's all!
See you soon
Hi Anna!
I completely agree with you about feeds. Before our lessons, I didn't know anything on the possibility to have such a comfortable tool to extract news and interesting information from the web and keep me updated so easily! I think it is a wonderful chance to learn using the web in the best way.
Cheers :)
Well, as I wrote in Sara's blog, I didn't fully understand this tool, so that I'm going to ask you some explanations about it! Ok? Thanks in advance!
Ok Vale,ask me anything you need to know though I'm not sure that I'll be able to solve all your doubts Anyway,I'll try my best:-)
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