Top 5 books

The Master and Margarita- M.A. Bulgakov

Crime and Punishment- F.M. Dostoevskij

Hearth of Darkness- J.Conrad

Suite Française- I. Némirovsky

Angela's ashes- F. McCourt


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an apple a day..

an apple a day..

This is me

My photo
Padua, Veneto, Italy
Hi guys,my name is Anna,I'm Italian and I'm studying foreign languages at the University of Padua. This is supposed to be my last year of studies,or so I hope,and I'm trying my best to finish asap,'coz it's really high time I were under way! I have many loves in my life,my Luv,my cats,books,violets and apples (but this is an old and long story to tell!). I don't want to bother you now,I'm going to tell you more in depht later! I'm waiting for you on my blog,read it,love it,hate it and feel free to leave any comments. This is the place I stay and it can be yours too!

Monday, January 24

Up up up!!

Christmas holidays are officially over,carnival time with all its ungodly pastries and delicious calorie bombs is already here and I haven't lost neither 1 oz.!!So,since I don't want to turn myself into a fat whale,I decided to start a new diet and fixed to lose at least 4 kilos. will be no easy matter! My diet program envisages no sticky and stinky slop or strange berries that promise you miracle results but only huge sacrifice, long walks and abnormal spiritual strenght! Only that. And no chocolate,no cookies,no chips,no sauces.Bloody hell I think I could die!! Just one thing is not so bad,that is Sunday walking in the mountains. Actually this is the most funny and relaxing part of all this damn stuff and sometimes you can bend the rules!

Two weeks ago in the mountains near home.

Sooo happy to be there that I started rolling and wiggling on the snow!!

It was not really cold,I think 1 or 2 below zero and could take off my coat

Iced mountain

Hunger. But the only thing I could eat was snow,so I made a snowburgher. The lightest and most refreshing fast food ever!!

Last week. On the way to Campo Solagna,anywhere near the mount Grappa
Camwhoring with boyfriend waiting the lights become green and then..gooo!!

Hang glider upon our heads...chilling?

Unknow tree-branch shape icicle. Now I'm curious to know which flavor it is..wood,resin or simply ice?? Anyway here we left the car and began our stunning infinite walk! We walked walked and walked..that was a real slog!! And after 1 hour climbing and swearing we arrived here..

and we thought it was worth the effort! This is S. Giovanni village (that is,4 houses,1 little church and a wooden cross along the path)..the best place if all you need is tranquility and isolation and the worst for sure if you want to socialize (unless you want to make friends with some wild deer!)

Nice to be here!!

Just fooling..changed A with O and from vinegar I got ..err..bird^_^!

Our destination: a little mountain dew famous for its hospitality and food!It's also a guesthouse and has few but nice rooms! In case you're too tired (or drunk) to go back to your car!

The porch,a very simple but comfortable place to keep yourself warm and admire the landscape.

The guesthouse seen from within.

Handmade canes for sell. The one above is snake shape..will it scare or attract snakes???

Drunken giant raisin..that's all we needed!

I was just having a peep outside

The place was stuffed with people and we shared a table with some they are! Wanna thank them all for their kindness,we had a great time together! The place serves local food like tagliatelle with sausages sauce, barley soup and gnocchi with smoked ricotta cheese. I ate the tagliatelle,were damn good! Only was wrong to share them with Andre coz he's so voracious I almost didn't eat one! As second course they serve roast of pork,long grilled sausages,melted cheese with mushrooms and a huge variety of vegetables. I went for the sausages with polenta (corn cake) and stewed cabbage..incredibly stinky but tasty!

Forgot to take pictures of the dishes mainly because after such a long walk I was hungry like no one! I'll do the next time, by now look at our satisfied happy faces!

Lemon and basil flavored grappa...I needed to drink a lot to drain all that stuff!This is absolutely my fav,although licorice grappa was yummy too!

The spiritual link between earth and heaven. Loved this painting,so colorful! The birds are half parrots and half penguins,maybe a good suggestion for a new experimental crossbreed!

We enjoyed so much heating up our butts in that hole that,while we were chatting,eating,drinking and pissing around, outside the sun set.. but we only realized it when went out to take a fresh breath and freeze our asses! Ok high time to leave

Never too late to take one more picture,hehe^_^!!

Uhuuuu,hurry up!!It's bloody lateeee!!

The nightscape in the mountains. It was around 6 below zero but actually it was not so cold,we were running fast and anyway was not so damn wet as we are used to. Felt we could stay there all the night and sleep under an amazing starry sky. But at the end we changed our minds and went home. To plan our next trip!


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