Top 5 books

The Master and Margarita- M.A. Bulgakov

Crime and Punishment- F.M. Dostoevskij

Hearth of Darkness- J.Conrad

Suite Française- I. Némirovsky

Angela's ashes- F. McCourt


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an apple a day..

an apple a day..

This is me

My photo
Padua, Veneto, Italy
Hi guys,my name is Anna,I'm Italian and I'm studying foreign languages at the University of Padua. This is supposed to be my last year of studies,or so I hope,and I'm trying my best to finish asap,'coz it's really high time I were under way! I have many loves in my life,my Luv,my cats,books,violets and apples (but this is an old and long story to tell!). I don't want to bother you now,I'm going to tell you more in depht later! I'm waiting for you on my blog,read it,love it,hate it and feel free to leave any comments. This is the place I stay and it can be yours too!

Friday, January 21

A moment's hesitation

That is lasting a bit too much! I was almost sure I had found the right solution but obviously I had not! Coz yesterday I remembered about a website I visited years ago to download some templates and now I'm more messed up than ever!! Here is the reason why

These are my new favs!! Love cupcakes,pink and everything that smells good!! This is a little sugarfree sin,how can I do without??

This is perfect for your saturday night's alcoholic mood and hangover ^_^!!

Uhmm..definitely too corny for me but nice all the same!

Wtf did they lose time to make this emo crap???
Well,if you want to have your own blog and want to try some templates take a look to Blogger Templates and ...happy choice (if you can choose one!)


Unknown said...

Bello questo template!! E anche yum#3!
Mah.. nella bio che you love apples.. bah! :-)
I love you!!!!!!

Kitty Violet said...

Hi scurijo my love,I'm happy with you^_^!This is the best matching template ever found,need to adjust htML codes..coz kenot see the usual toolbar!will you help me later?
Burnin' to see you,lovelovelove:-*!!!

Unknown said...

Of course my little spatolonsina! A tra poco!!!

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