Friday, May 22
soon or late..I'm back again!

Monday, May 18
and now..I do it in my own way!

Well, let's put feelings aside, now it's time to be serious and to talk about what I'm going to do in the next months. Last week we talked about the Personal Learning Environment (PLE), that is the set of tools and devices each of us chooses to use in order to follow on his/her own learning. This is in brief what a PLE is (I give the summary of an article by Graham Atwell):
- "a PLE is comprised of all the different tools we use in our everyday life for learning", for instance university courses, blogs, social softwares and networks and so on;
- "it is not an application but a new approach to the use of new technologies for learning";
- it provides "learners with their own spaces under their own control to develop and share ideas".
Nowadays learning is taking place in many more places and ways than in the past; it's not just simply a matter of sitting down and listening to somebody talking and then putting into practice what we've learned. Of course it requires a great commitment, but now we have the possibility to choose what to learn and how to do it! To cut a long story short, we can create an environment of our own, in which to discuss and to go further in our education. An environment is something that surrounds us and is usually made up of many things; it is also open to external influences and allows people to come and go where they want. A blog, for instance, is a good means for doing so: you set your argument, discuss it and then leave the door open to comments. During this course I appreciated this new (to me) way to learn and improve my knowledge, I think that being free to manage our work is a great chance for a personal growth! Talking about my PLE, I tried to draft a first version of my future learning plan (I used the Freemind software, a very nice free tool to create mindmaps, try it!): it consists mainly in going on with my blog, reading books and other people's blogs, going to summer course camps, chatting with friends from English speaking countries (by using Skype, of course!) and travelling travelling travelling a lot!!
Here it is my PLE mindmap, take a look at it and feel free to leave any comments/suggestions/remarks! My PLE mindmap.
Well, I think that's all for now!
Talk to you soon,bye!
Ps: Since I am not sure that you can see it, I uploaded a jpeg version of my mindmap..I know it's a bit out of focus, but it's the best I could do:-)!
Friday, May 8
Beware of spiderwebs!

- cloning (identities, credit cards);
- copyright infringement (see my old post about this argument);
- phishing and identity problems;
- addiction;
Surfing the Web can prove to be dangerous and tricky sometimes,but it is funny and helpful as well. As a matter of fact it has become one of the most popular activities in modern society, as an hobby and even as a job! This means that people are not afraid to do it and are becoming more and more aware of the risks they can run into. In my opinion, we have never been given so many opportunities to discover the world and to enrich our knowledge as in this moment thanks to the 2.0 age, and we have to take advantage from it. The time is now, just need to mind the gap...and the trap!
Take care,see ya!