Top 5 books

The Master and Margarita- M.A. Bulgakov

Crime and Punishment- F.M. Dostoevskij

Hearth of Darkness- J.Conrad

Suite Française- I. Némirovsky

Angela's ashes- F. McCourt


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an apple a day..

an apple a day..

This is me

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Padua, Veneto, Italy
Hi guys,my name is Anna,I'm Italian and I'm studying foreign languages at the University of Padua. This is supposed to be my last year of studies,or so I hope,and I'm trying my best to finish asap,'coz it's really high time I were under way! I have many loves in my life,my Luv,my cats,books,violets and apples (but this is an old and long story to tell!). I don't want to bother you now,I'm going to tell you more in depht later! I'm waiting for you on my blog,read it,love it,hate it and feel free to leave any comments. This is the place I stay and it can be yours too!

Sunday, April 5

The Sea of Strangers

How many times have we said to someone, or thought to say, "hey man, who are you?", especially when discussing issues of certain importance? To be "somebody" means to be a person who is held in high esteem by others and who has something important to say or to do in the world. While looking for information on the Web, as well as in everyday-life, it's always better to ask ourselves this question to avoid trusting someone who is not very reliable and thus ending up with loads of useless rubbish.
This week in class we talked about the way in which we usually surf the Web when searching for information, e. g. for an academic research study. The Web is an amazing source of information where people can take an active part by using tools like the Creative Commons (e.g. the big family of the Wikis) or by creating personal environments like blogs or websites. There we can find lots docs and links to what we are looking for and some of these even seem to be very attractive but..are they all reliable? We made a list of the parameters a document should match to be considered a good source of information. First of all its author should be someone qualified to write that article like a scientist, an academic or a student supported by a professor. It should provide enough references in order to allow people to go and leaf through other sources like books or on-line documents- when writing an academic research study students usually start from infos available on the Web and little by little narrow down the field to the old good dusty books. Then we'd better pay attention to the date it was created, since too old an article can prove to be not very useful (the world changes so fast that even today is tomorrow's yesterday!). The list could go on and on since there are loads of criteria to take into consideration and soooo many kinds of topics floating on the Websea, but luckily here they come some nice tools that help us out with our doc hunting! Google Blogs, Google Books and Google Scholar are invaluable allies in fishing out and skimming what we need! They are similar to the most famous Google search but take the searching one step further. The first Google focuses on blogs: just have to type a keyword ("language learning" or anything else) and you'll discover what people are saying on that subject! The second one again works just like web search helping you to find books and giving a preview or even showing the entire text (if out of copyright)..what a nice idea! The last one searches for scholarly literature and helps to identify the most relevant research across the world of scholarly research.
Well guys, I think that our teacher was right on target again!
About me, what can I say? Now I have no more excuses for not beginning to work on my thesis (yes, it's high time I began writing on it!). I have all the tools I may need, I'm home and dry you'd say..well, can you tell me now where I could find a good idea for my thesis too:-)?


Valentina Tolfo said...

Hey Anna, it seems that we 3 (Sara, you and me) really have the same problem... our thesis' topic! OMG, I'm starting to be really worried about it because the more I think about it, the more I'm confused... : (
Anyway, after finding our topic, it should be easier for us to find some useful websites that can help us in writing interesting things in our paper... cheer up! : )

Valentina Tolfo said...

Hi again Anna!
Now I'm supposed to correct some potential mistakes in your post. As I just told Sara, I don't feel comfortable in doing it because I don't feel like I have something to "teach" you, but that's our task, let's do it. I'm gonna write the "wrong" sentences you wrote and I'm gonna give you my suggestions, ok?
So, you wrote "in the everyday-life", and I guess you can eliminate "the".
Then you wrote "...step further: the first Google focuses on blogs: just have to type a keyword ("language learning" or anything else) and you'll discover what people are saying on that subject!" Here I think you just made a tipying mistake 'coz you wrote 2 colons in the same sentence, and I'm sure you know you can't do it. Anyway, I would put a full stop after "further". In the same sentence you used "will", and you know that Sarah eliminated it from the words we can use. ; ) Use "going to".
About punctuation, you wrote "First of all its author..." You have to put the comma after "first of all" 'coz it's a conjunct, remember?
I can't find other mistakes... well, we have a different style as far as writing is concerned, but I really like yours! Good job!
See you tomorrow, apple-junkie! : )

Kitty Violet said...

Thanks Vale,I'm going to correct my mistakes at once:-)!You know,sometimes I am so much tired that I can't even see what I'm writing!There's one thing I think we should do,that is,to make a list of the worlds we should never use explaining why and giving the alternatives!I was not in classroom two weeks ago and thus missed the explanation about "also", the "past perfect" and the "modal verbs"..could you please explain me when I am supposed to use them and when not? Maybe you could lend me your notes or we could try to set a little briefing on Wednesday morning,after Taylor's lesson! Let me know if you agree,I'd be pleased to do it!
See you tomorrow,bye!

Valentina Tolfo said...

Don't worry Anna, I'll lend you my notes! I didn't know you weren't in class 2 weeks ago, I'm sorry about that! Anyway, there's not too much to say... Sarah simply told us to eliminate the present perfect (use the past simple), also (use "too"), such (use "this"), must, will (use "going to") and don't have to (use "can't", "shouldn't", "aren't supposed to"). By the way, you can't use "don't have to", but you can use "have to", that is, eliminate just the negative case. Sarah told us we made too many mistakes using these words unproperly. She added that it's too difficult to explain when we should use them and when it's better not to use them so that it's easier to eliminate them for the moment! Ok? Hope all is clear! If you want my notes or if you want further explanations, just ask me, ok? No problem! : )

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