Top 5 books

The Master and Margarita- M.A. Bulgakov

Crime and Punishment- F.M. Dostoevskij

Hearth of Darkness- J.Conrad

Suite Française- I. Némirovsky

Angela's ashes- F. McCourt


applebite©. Powered by Blogger.

an apple a day..

an apple a day..

This is me

My photo
Padua, Veneto, Italy
Hi guys,my name is Anna,I'm Italian and I'm studying foreign languages at the University of Padua. This is supposed to be my last year of studies,or so I hope,and I'm trying my best to finish asap,'coz it's really high time I were under way! I have many loves in my life,my Luv,my cats,books,violets and apples (but this is an old and long story to tell!). I don't want to bother you now,I'm going to tell you more in depht later! I'm waiting for you on my blog,read it,love it,hate it and feel free to leave any comments. This is the place I stay and it can be yours too!

Saturday, March 26

Earth Hour 2011.Switch the light off and...enjoy the silence!

Huh,it's quite a long time since I haven't posted's not that I have nothing to say,rather the contrary! I'm quite overwhelmed by papers and translations coz yes sir,I'm working on my thesis:-)!! I decided to write this post because I'm very sensible to everything concerning the environment and this poor ravaged world we decided to haunt and spoil. I was just looking for some videos when I found this one and I think it's worth watching. It's about an initiative sponsored by the WWF that simply asks us to turn the light off for just one hour,from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm,in order to save energy,money,pollution and to remember the people who died in Japan and all those who are still suffering for that catastrophe.
More info are available on the official webpage
Here you can join the group and give your support. It's 100% free and, although it won't cost you a penny,you'll do a lot for all of us!


Monday, January 24

Up up up!!

Christmas holidays are officially over,carnival time with all its ungodly pastries and delicious calorie bombs is already here and I haven't lost neither 1 oz.!!So,since I don't want to turn myself into a fat whale,I decided to start a new diet and fixed to lose at least 4 kilos. will be no easy matter! My diet program envisages no sticky and stinky slop or strange berries that promise you miracle results but only huge sacrifice, long walks and abnormal spiritual strenght! Only that. And no chocolate,no cookies,no chips,no sauces.Bloody hell I think I could die!! Just one thing is not so bad,that is Sunday walking in the mountains. Actually this is the most funny and relaxing part of all this damn stuff and sometimes you can bend the rules!

Two weeks ago in the mountains near home.

Sooo happy to be there that I started rolling and wiggling on the snow!!

It was not really cold,I think 1 or 2 below zero and could take off my coat

Iced mountain

Hunger. But the only thing I could eat was snow,so I made a snowburgher. The lightest and most refreshing fast food ever!!

Last week. On the way to Campo Solagna,anywhere near the mount Grappa
Camwhoring with boyfriend waiting the lights become green and then..gooo!!

Hang glider upon our heads...chilling?

Unknow tree-branch shape icicle. Now I'm curious to know which flavor it is..wood,resin or simply ice?? Anyway here we left the car and began our stunning infinite walk! We walked walked and walked..that was a real slog!! And after 1 hour climbing and swearing we arrived here..

and we thought it was worth the effort! This is S. Giovanni village (that is,4 houses,1 little church and a wooden cross along the path)..the best place if all you need is tranquility and isolation and the worst for sure if you want to socialize (unless you want to make friends with some wild deer!)

Nice to be here!!

Just fooling..changed A with O and from vinegar I got ..err..bird^_^!

Our destination: a little mountain dew famous for its hospitality and food!It's also a guesthouse and has few but nice rooms! In case you're too tired (or drunk) to go back to your car!

The porch,a very simple but comfortable place to keep yourself warm and admire the landscape.

The guesthouse seen from within.

Handmade canes for sell. The one above is snake shape..will it scare or attract snakes???

Drunken giant raisin..that's all we needed!

I was just having a peep outside

The place was stuffed with people and we shared a table with some they are! Wanna thank them all for their kindness,we had a great time together! The place serves local food like tagliatelle with sausages sauce, barley soup and gnocchi with smoked ricotta cheese. I ate the tagliatelle,were damn good! Only was wrong to share them with Andre coz he's so voracious I almost didn't eat one! As second course they serve roast of pork,long grilled sausages,melted cheese with mushrooms and a huge variety of vegetables. I went for the sausages with polenta (corn cake) and stewed cabbage..incredibly stinky but tasty!

Forgot to take pictures of the dishes mainly because after such a long walk I was hungry like no one! I'll do the next time, by now look at our satisfied happy faces!

Lemon and basil flavored grappa...I needed to drink a lot to drain all that stuff!This is absolutely my fav,although licorice grappa was yummy too!

The spiritual link between earth and heaven. Loved this painting,so colorful! The birds are half parrots and half penguins,maybe a good suggestion for a new experimental crossbreed!

We enjoyed so much heating up our butts in that hole that,while we were chatting,eating,drinking and pissing around, outside the sun set.. but we only realized it when went out to take a fresh breath and freeze our asses! Ok high time to leave

Never too late to take one more picture,hehe^_^!!

Uhuuuu,hurry up!!It's bloody lateeee!!

The nightscape in the mountains. It was around 6 below zero but actually it was not so cold,we were running fast and anyway was not so damn wet as we are used to. Felt we could stay there all the night and sleep under an amazing starry sky. But at the end we changed our minds and went home. To plan our next trip!

Friday, January 21

A moment's hesitation

That is lasting a bit too much! I was almost sure I had found the right solution but obviously I had not! Coz yesterday I remembered about a website I visited years ago to download some templates and now I'm more messed up than ever!! Here is the reason why

These are my new favs!! Love cupcakes,pink and everything that smells good!! This is a little sugarfree sin,how can I do without??

This is perfect for your saturday night's alcoholic mood and hangover ^_^!!

Uhmm..definitely too corny for me but nice all the same!

Wtf did they lose time to make this emo crap???
Well,if you want to have your own blog and want to try some templates take a look to Blogger Templates and ...happy choice (if you can choose one!)

Wednesday, January 19

New look and explanation

Tonight I have no boyfriend so I'm going to dedicate myself to my blog and,since I don't like the old template anymore,I'll try to make some changes and find sth more catchy! I know it's not the usual time for spring-cleaning but I'm really fed up with this misty boring dull month and need some colour therapy! And I also need to explain some things I always put off,so it's time to make things clear. Apples have been a long-standing thing,one of the most long-lasting and harrowing hate-love mental relationships I've ever had (or at least until I found the true,full-time,exhausting love!). But mine was not a thing hanging down an apple tree. It had legs,arms,heart and it was supposed to have brain too but,thus far,I'm not really sure:-)!I took a fancy so huge to it that I started thinking and dreaming about this damn fruit day and night,day and night,almost challenging all the laws of nature. A human and an apple.Wtf is that???Two separate worlds,mammals and vegetables,no no no no!!! Even Snowhite warned me showing evident signs of a serious allergy to apples. Thus,no way: apples are poisonous! To cut the story short,the thing went on and on until one day I decided that I'd better give up all that stupid obsession or I'd probably died of a broken heart (or of an anaphylactic shock!). Indeed,apples are not famous for their passionate nature..nay they don't have a heart,maybe a kind of cellulose clot,but anyway it's not enough for me! So no more apples in my life from then on,except those I usually eat in my REAL life
Ok,I think I've explained how things went..and do you wanna know the truth?I don't mind having thrown away so much time and energy in that thing. It helped me mature, and maybe ripen the apple too! A laugh will make everything disappear.
Well,stop talking about the past and go straight forward!
Since I cannot change my url, I wanted to change the look at least without upsetting the outfit too much.
Here are some attempts..

Some are pink. The first is the most sober and chaste template ever tried. Honestly I don't go crazy for it but maybe it's the most easy-to-read of all..will think about..anyway,go on!

Some are flowery...I love poppies,would have poppy fields all around my house and poppy wallpaper into my room..and poppy scent on my skin! I almost forgot,I bought a super freaky sexy lovely set of sheets and blanket with poppy fantasy...forbidden amazig dreams are coming (in italian would use a perfect pun.."stupefacente"=narcotic/amazing, here has a double meaning like italian, damn eng.!!!)

Some are dull and quite boring..

Some are relaxing..

Some are paw-print

or simply bizarre!

So...which one fits best my blog?? I really kenot choose..Will you help me to decide? I go to bed now coz I'm falling asleep on my laptop and think my pillow is more comfortable that this keyboard..I'll sleep on it and maybe tomorrow will have the answer!
Sweet dreams to you all!

Tuesday, January 11


Hi, today's another bloody rainy day! It's so sad to begin a week with a cloudy rainy sky when all you want is ray of light, even if just one!! If only the sky had a different color, I don't know, maybe beige or pink or attractive shade of gold or greyge would be more in fashion! I am highly disappointed! Hey you up in the sky, turn your tap off! We're drowning in our own shoes!!
Anyway it's not so bad, if you cannot go out you can always try to do many other things! I promised myself I would study at least 5 hours today..ahahahahaha,I should stop talking craps!! I've been doing bimbo things all day long and now I'm going to bimbo post about this:-)!
Yesterday I posted after almost 1 year of inactivity and I should tell you more about my new passions/obsessions! I gave up that thing of apples and picked up a new (or should I say many new) one(s)! Lets' start this new topic with something intellectual,or at least I'll try! In my language when you're in love with one thing so much you can't really stop thinking and dreaming and dribbling and thinking again about it (that is, you're OBSESSED by it!) we say that we "abbiamo un chiodo fisso", in en. it becomes "we have one-track mind" or more funnily "we have a bee in our bonnet". Every sign of "chiodo" disappears, too bad:-(!! Now, the translation of chiodo is nail, and if you strive a lil' bit you'll guess what's my new obsession...


any idea??



I'm very poor in creating puns but I think this time I couldn't help it, it doesn't work all the same (although it would be nice to say "I have a nail in my mind"!!)

Actually, I tried to do some nailart decoration last summer and these are my first attempts

#0 Beauty kit (Kiko can bless me!)

#1 Ocean blue with starry sparkling night (and shiny moon)

#2 Spring blossoms

#2 Close up (bleeeah cuticles, how disgusting!)

#3 On the Wall (in green)

#4 Again in pink and glitters (I'm definitely in love with this match!)

#5 Christmas' time: I didn't like it so took off immediately

#6 Halloween's snake appeal. I made this manicure to a friend of mine,thrilling!

#7 Winter's flower power!

Doesn't it look like a sunny side up flower??

#8 My latest manicure,pink,glitters,rhinestones and flower stickers! Isn't this a real obsession?!?

That's all for now..I'm gonna try something new as soon as my ebay purchases arrive..but this is another obsession I'll talk about later;-)!
Stay connected to check out my last creations and happy shimmering wonderful night to you all!!

Diseñado por: Compartidísimo
Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©